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Styrian Goldings Hops: Delicate aroma and versatile brewing


Welcome to the fascinating world of hops! In this beginner’s guide, we will explore the wonderful Styrian Goldings hops. Renowned for their delicate aroma and versatile brewing qualities, Styrian Goldings hops have become a staple in the brewing industry. Whether you are curious about their origins, flavour profile, or how to best utilize them in your brewing endeavours, this comprehensive guide will provide you with all the information you need. So, grab a pint and let’s embark on a journey to discover the captivating qualities of Styrian Goldings hops!

The Origins of Styrian Goldings Hops

Styrian Goldings hop, also known as Savinjski Goldings or Celeia hops, are originally from the Styria region of Slovenia. They are a noble hop variety and a descendant of the original English Goldings hops. Styrian Goldings were first cultivated in Slovenia in the 1930s and have since gained popularity among brewers worldwide.

Aroma and Flavor Profile

One of the defining characteristics of Styrian Goldings hops is their delicate and pleasant aroma. They offer a mild and refined fragrance with earthy, floral, and spicy notes. The aromatic profile of Styrian Goldings hops adds a subtle and elegant touch to a wide range of beer styles.

When it comes to flavour, Styrian Goldings hops provide a balanced bitterness and contribute subtle herbal and spicy flavours. The alpha acid content of Styrian Goldings hops is typically moderate, ranging from 2% to 6%, making them well-suited for achieving a gentle and rounded bitterness in your brews.

Brewing with Styrian Goldings Hops

Now that you are familiar with the characteristics of Styrian Goldings hops, let’s explore how to incorporate them into your brewing process. Due to their delicate aroma and balanced bitterness, Styrian Goldings hops are often used for both bittering and aroma additions in beer recipes.

For bittering purposes, add Styrian Goldings hops early in the boil to extract their alpha acids and achieve the desired level of bitterness. The exact timing and quantity will depend on the specific beer style and the bitterness profile you are aiming to achieve.

When using Styrian Goldings hops for aroma additions, it is best to add them towards the end of the boil or during the whirlpool stage. This will help preserve their delicate aroma and add a subtle floral and spicy fragrance to your brew.

With their versatile flavour profile, Styrian Goldings hops are a popular choice in various beer styles. Here are a few notable beer styles that often feature the distinctive characteristics of Styrian Goldings hops:

English Ales

Styrian Goldings hops are frequently used in English-style ales, such as bitters and pale ales. They contribute to the mild and well-balanced bitterness of these beer styles, complementing the maltiness and creating a harmonious flavour profile.

Belgian Ales

Styrian Goldings hops are also favoured in Belgian-style ales, including Saisons and Belgian Strong Ales. They add a delicate and refined floral character that complements the fruity esters produced by the yeast, resulting in complex and flavorful brews.


While Styrian Goldings hops are often associated with ales, they can also be utilized in lagers. They provide a gentle bitterness and subtle flavour notes that can enhance the overall balance and complexity of larger beer styles.

Brewing Tips and Considerations

As you embark on your brewing journey with Styrian Goldings hops, here are some additional tips and considerations to keep in mind:

Hop Storage

Proper hop storage is crucial to maintain the freshness and aroma of Styrian Goldings hops. Store them in airtight containers in a cool, dark place to protect them from heat, light, and moisture. This will help preserve their quality and extend their shelf life.

Hop Combinations

Styrian Goldings hop can be combined with other hop varieties to create unique flavour profiles. Experiment with blending them with complementary hops, such as Fuggle or East Kent Goldings, to achieve more complex and nuanced flavours in your brews.

Hop Substitutions

If you are unable to source Styrian Goldings hops for a particular recipe, there are suitable substitutes available. East Kent Goldings or Fuggle hops are often recommended alternatives, as they share similar characteristics and can provide a comparable flavour profile.


Congratulations! You have now been introduced to the captivating world of Styrian Goldings hops. From their origins in Slovenia to their delicate aroma and versatile brewing qualities, Styrian Goldings hops have earned their place in the brewing industry. Whether you are a beginner homebrewer or an experienced craft beer enthusiast, incorporating Styrian Goldings hops into your recipes will undoubtedly add depth and elegance to your brews. So, why not embark on your own brewing adventure and explore the wonders of Styrian Goldings hops in your next beer masterpiece? Cheers to the art of brewing and the delightful journey of Styrian Goldings hops!
