guinness nitrosurge cans

Guinness Nitrosurge Cans: A Must-Have or Overpriced Rubbish?


Guinness Nitrosurge cans have been making waves in the beer world, promising a smoother and creamier pour thanks to their unique nitrogen-infused technology. But are they really worth the hype? In this review, we’ll take a closer look at the pros and cons of this new product and help you decide if it’s worth trying.

What is Guinness Nitrosurge?

Guinness Nitrosurge is a new product from the famous Irish brewery that promises a smoother and creamier pour thanks to its unique nitrogen-infused technology. Unlike traditional carbonated beers, which use carbon dioxide to create bubbles, Nitrosurge uses a blend of nitrogen and carbon dioxide to create smaller, smoother bubbles that give the beer a velvety texture and rich flavour. The result is a beer that’s smoother and creamier than traditional Guinness, with a thick, frothy head that lasts longer.

Pros of Guinness Nitrosurge cans.

One of the biggest pros of Guinness Nitrosurge cans is the unique nitrogen-infused technology that creates a smoother and creamier pour. The smaller, smoother bubbles give the beer a velvety texture and rich flavour, making it a great option for those who prefer a smoother beer. Additionally, the thick, frothy head that lasts longer than traditional Guinness adds to the overall drinking experience.

The nitrogen in Guinness Nitrosurge cans is what gives the beer its smooth and creamy texture. Nitrogen bubbles are smaller and less dense than carbon dioxide bubbles, which is why they create a smoother head on the beer. The nitrogen also helps to preserve the flavour of the beer, making it taste fresher for longer.

In addition to the smooth texture and rich flavour, Guinness Nitrosurge cans also produce a thick, frothy head that lasts longer than traditional Guinness. This is because the nitrogen bubbles are less likely to escape from the beer, which helps to keep the head intact. The thick head also adds to the overall visual appeal of the beer.

The convenience of having this technology in a can also makes it a great option for those who want to enjoy a Guinness at home without having to go to a bar. With Guinness Nitrosurge cans, you can easily pour a perfect pint of Guinness right at home. Simply place the can in the Nitrosurge device, press the button, and enjoy.

Cons of Guinness Nitrosurge cans.

While there are many pros to Guinness Nitrosurge cans, there are also some cons to consider. One of the biggest drawbacks is the price. These cans are significantly more expensive than traditional Guinness cans, which may not be worth it for some consumers. Additionally, some beer enthusiasts argue that the nitrogen-infused technology takes away from the traditional taste and experience of a Guinness. Finally, the cans are not widely available in all markets, making it difficult for some consumers to try them out for themselves.

Additional drawbacks of Guinness Nitrosurge cans:

  • They require special equipment to open.
  • They can be difficult to find in some stores.
  • They may not be as fresh as draught Guinness.

If you are considering trying Guinness Nitrosurge cans, it is important to weigh the pros and cons carefully. If you are looking for a smooth, creamy, and flavorful pint of Guinness that is easy to use and can be enjoyed anywhere, then Guinness Nitrosurge cans may be the perfect option for you. However, if you are on a budget or are a purist when it comes to Guinness, then you may want to consider traditional Guinness cans or draught Guinness instead.

Comparison to other Guinness products.

When compared to other Guinness products, the Nitrosurge cans offer a unique experience. The nitrogen infusion creates a smoother, creamier texture and a thicker head than traditional Guinness cans. However, some consumers may prefer the taste of the original Guinness or the Guinness Draught cans. It ultimately comes down to personal preference and whether the added cost is worth the difference in taste and texture.

Is it worth the price?

Ultimately, whether or not the Guinness Nitrosurge cans are worth the price is subjective. Some people may find the creamier texture and thicker head to be worth the extra cost, while others may prefer the taste of the original Guinness or the Guinness Draught cans. It really depends on personal preference and what you value in your beer-drinking experience.

There are a few things to consider when making your decision. First, Nitrosurge cans are significantly more expensive than traditional Guinness cans. If you are on a budget, then the Nitrosurge cans may not be worth the extra cost. Second, some people argue that the nitrogen-infused technology takes away from the traditional taste and experience of Guinness. If you are a purist when it comes to Guinness, then you may want to avoid the Nitrosurge cans.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to try Guinness Nitrosurge cans is a personal one. There is no right or wrong answer, and the best way to decide is to try them for yourself. If you are curious about the Nitrosurge cans, then I would recommend giving them a try. However, if you are happy with the taste of the original Guinness or the Guinness Draught cans, then there is no need to spend the extra money on the Nitrosurge cans.

Does the Guinness Nitrosurge work on normal cans?

No, you cannot use Guinness Nitrosurge with other cans. The Nitrosurge device is designed to work specifically with Guinness Nitrosurge cans. If you try to use it with other cans, you may not get the desired results. The Nitrosurge device uses nitrogen gas to create a smooth, creamy head on the beer. Other cans may not be compatible with this process and may result in a flat or foamy beer.