Beer: North Brew Co - Songbird, IPA by IPAokay



Songbird, 6%

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Delight in the harmonious flavours of Songbird, an IPA with an ABV of 6%, carefully crafted by North Brew Co. This IPA showcases a balanced blend of hoppy goodness and drinkability. It pours a golden colour with a frothy white head, releasing enticing aromas of tropical fruits, citrus, and a hint of pine. The first sip reveals a hop-forward flavor profile, featuring juicy mango, grapefruit, and a touch of resin, balanced by a solid malt backbone. The medium body and moderate carbonation make Songbird a highly enjoyable and versatile brew, perfect for IPA enthusiasts. North Brew Co’s dedication to brewing excellence is evident in every bottle, making this IPA a true standout.
