Beer: BrewDog - Arcade Made, Double Dry-Hopped IPA (DDH IPA) by IPAokay

Arcade Made

Arcade Made, 8%

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Experience the hoppy intensity of Arcade Made, a Duble Dry-Hopped IPA with an ABV of 8%, skillfully brewed by BrewDog. This IPA pushes the boundaries of hop flavours and aromas, delivering a bold and memorable drinking experience. It pours a hazy golden colour with a fluffy white head, releasing captivating aromas of citrus, tropical fruits, and a touch of pine. The first sip reveals a hop-forward flavor profile, featuring grapefruit, passion fruit, and resinous notes, supported by a sturdy malt backbone. The medium to full body and moderate carbonation make Arcade Made a robust and flavorful brew, perfect for hop enthusiasts. BrewDog’s commitment to pushing the limits of brewing shines through in every bottle, making this Duble Dry-Hopped IPA a true gem.
