Beer: Vocation - Hebden, Lager by IPAokay



Hebden, 5%

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

Elevate your lager experience with Hebden, a Premium Lager with an ABV of 5%, expertly brewed by Vocation. This Lager is a refined and sophisticated brew that showcases the art of lager craftsmanship. Pouring a crystal-clear golden colour with a frothy white head, Hebden releases delicate aromas of grain, honey, and a hint of floral hops. The first sip reveals a crisp and clean taste profile, where the smooth malt sweetness intertwines with a subtle hop bitterness. The well-balanced body and refreshing finish make Hebden a lager that satisfies both discerning palates and those seeking a refreshing brew. Raise your glass, savour the elegance, and let Hebden transport you to the world of premium lagers.
