Beer: Drygate - Seven Peaks, Session IPA by IPAokay

Seven Peaks


Session IPA, 3.9%

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Seven Peaks, a Session IPA brewed by Drygate, is a vibrant and refreshing beer with an alcohol percentage of 3.9%. This IPA is designed to deliver big hop flavours while maintaining a lower alcohol content, making it perfect for extended sessions. It pours a golden colour with a frothy white head that releases enticing aromas of citrus and tropical fruits. The first sip reveals a burst of hoppy goodness, with notes of grapefruit, pineapple, and resinous pine. Despite its lower alcohol content, Seven Peaks offers a balanced and satisfying bitterness that lingers on the palate. The beer has a light to medium body and a crisp finish, making it incredibly drinkable. Drygate Brewery showcases their skill in crafting sessionable IPAs with Seven Peaks, providing beer enthusiasts with a flavourful and refreshing option for longer drinking sessions. Whether you’re an IPA aficionado or someone looking to explore hop-forward beers, Seven Peaks is sure to deliver a delightful and enjoyable experience.
