Beer: Gweilo - Rainbow Sherbet Sour, Sour Beer by IPAokay

Rainbow Sherbet Sour


Rainbow Sherbet Sour, 4.5%

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Gweilo Beer’s Rainbow Sherbet Sour is a refreshing and flavourful sour beer that is sure to please fans of the style. The beer pours a hazy pink colour with a thick white head. The aroma is fruity and tart, with notes of raspberry, lemon, and sour candy. The flavour is similar to the aroma, with a tart raspberry and lemon flavour that is balanced by a sweet malt backbone. The beer finishes with a lingering sour note that is both refreshing and satisfying.

Overall, Gweilo Beer’s Rainbow Sherbet Sour is a well-made and enjoyable sour beer. The beer is perfect for a hot day or for pairing with fruit desserts. I

Appearance: The beer pours a hazy pink colour with a thick white head. The head retention is good, and the lacing is moderate.

Aroma: The aroma is fruity and tart, with notes of raspberry, lemon, and sour candy. There is also a slight malt sweetness in the background.

Flavour: The flavour is similar to the aroma, with a tart raspberry and lemon flavour that is balanced by a sweet malt backbone. The beer finishes with a lingering sour note that is both refreshing and satisfying.

Overall Impression: Gweilo Beer’s Rainbow Sherbet Sour is a well-made and enjoyable sour beer. The beer is perfect for a hot day or for pairing with fruit desserts.
