Beer: Früli - Früli, Belgian Witbier by IPAokay



?? Belgian White Fruit Beer, 4.1%

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Früli, a Belgian White Fruit Beer brewed by Früli, is a refreshing and fruity beer with an alcohol percentage of 4.1%. This beer is known for its combination of Belgian witbier characteristics and the flavours of strawberries, creating a unique and delightful taste experience. It pours a hazy golden colour with a fluffy white head that retains well. The aroma is dominated by the scent of ripe strawberries, with hints of wheat and spice. Upon tasting, Früli delivers a burst of juicy strawberry flavours accompanied by the traditional clove and banana notes of Belgian witbiers. The beer has a light to medium body and a crisp, slightly sweet finish, leaving a refreshing sensation on the palate. Früli showcases their expertise in brewing fruit-infused beers with this exceptional offering. Whether you’re a fan of fruit beers or looking for a beer that combines classic Belgian styles with a fruity twist, Früli is a fantastic choice that will delight your taste buds and leave you wanting another sip.
